Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Iceystone's Jamaalidays

Hey jammers! Magical Iceystone is having a party, hope you can all come! Sounds like tons of fun. :)

Date: Dec. 23
Place: pandagirl5119's den (my den!)
Time: 4:30-5:30pm AJS

More Info:
If I'm not there, don't worry. zippy9 will probably be there and if not just have fun! We will send presents to friends and Jammers! I hope you can come! Until next time, JAM ON! - Magical Iceystone 
If you'd like your party posted here, just comment or email!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day of the Phantom Party

Hey jammers! The Day of the Phantom party was a total success, thanks for the great turnout! I had a ton of fun, how about you guys? Here are some snapshots from our great time hanging out at my den. Also, congrats Medusa and Phantom Bunny for winning the costume contest!
Thanks again for coming everyone! I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Got any tips on how to make the party any better? And please note that I took the best pictures possible, I'm sorry if I cut you out of any pictures!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pre-Phantom Party

Hey jammers! Here is just a fun picture we took while jumping for the NG world record! I hope you like it, if you can come to the next phantom party!
Thanks for all the fun jammers! Don't forget to look at the party invite in the below post!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Magical Iceystone's Party

Date: October 30th
Time: 5:00 AJS time
Place: pandagirl555's den (her den!)
Server: Ramu
Backup server: Kama 
Please come wearing a costume! 
Best one gets a prize! 
Visit her blog at!
 Would you like to advertise about your party? Just comment or email the details! Make sure you have the date, time, place, and server. See you in Jamaa!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Crazy Party

Another random party at my den! :D Here are just a few pictures, remember to check by my den whenever you're on in case there is a party on the loose!
Remember, parties make the den glitchy, cause of so many Jammers.
Crazy pool party! It's so glitchy you freeze mid-leap when going down the slides! :D

Have you had some fun parties in Jamaa?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Random Club Geoz Party

There was just a random party at Club Geoz, it was tons of fun! Have you guys held parties at Club Geoz before? What were those parties like?
Note: click for full size
 Have fun hosting parties with your buddies in Jamaa!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Surprise Party

Today we had a spur of the moment trading/chatting/blog party! Tons of people came, the den was full in minutes. :D We may have set a record for party attendance speed. Feel free to have spur of the moment parties in my den anytime!
We switched dens a lot, not everyone agreed. :D
Lots of trading and catching up with buddies!

Have you had some awesome parties at your den recently? Tell us about them!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome to the Club!

Hello Jammers!
Welcome to the club for The Animal Jam Spirit! Here I will share everyone's adventures, shout-outs, parties, and more! First thing to do is sign up, just go to the "Sign Up" page to learn how. I will post your user, your picture, and even your personal blog! This is a Jamaa community for all, where you meet others and share your adventures!