Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pre-Phantom Party

Hey jammers! Here is just a fun picture we took while jumping for the NG world record! I hope you like it, if you can come to the next phantom party!
Thanks for all the fun jammers! Don't forget to look at the party invite in the below post!


  1. ha ha, i see myself in the picture! im the black one with purple lightning bolts and the purple lava glove. my name is cut off and im in the bottom left corner! oh ya, and this party was so much fun, but can you make the on sunday, i will be at a friends party on saturday (long message XD)

    ~ Darling Wingedbird (pieluver32)

  2. i was late, some might've saw me, i was Eternal Fasteyes, srry i was late D: i am in a Clan so it slowed me down, Eternal Fasreyes was my other account. I'm really spark921 -Icewhisker who changed to Dragonstar

  3. I was at this party! You can tell i am the one who nonmember. But i was an amazing party!

  4. i missed the real party, but at least i made it to the pre-party

  5. where is the party
