Monday, October 31, 2011

Day of the Phantom Party

Hey jammers! The Day of the Phantom party was a total success, thanks for the great turnout! I had a ton of fun, how about you guys? Here are some snapshots from our great time hanging out at my den. Also, congrats Medusa and Phantom Bunny for winning the costume contest!
Thanks again for coming everyone! I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Got any tips on how to make the party any better? And please note that I took the best pictures possible, I'm sorry if I cut you out of any pictures!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pre-Phantom Party

Hey jammers! Here is just a fun picture we took while jumping for the NG world record! I hope you like it, if you can come to the next phantom party!
Thanks for all the fun jammers! Don't forget to look at the party invite in the below post!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Magical Iceystone's Party

Date: October 30th
Time: 5:00 AJS time
Place: pandagirl555's den (her den!)
Server: Ramu
Backup server: Kama 
Please come wearing a costume! 
Best one gets a prize! 
Visit her blog at!
 Would you like to advertise about your party? Just comment or email the details! Make sure you have the date, time, place, and server. See you in Jamaa!